Our political climate is at a tipping point. The election conversation has never been more toxic than it is right now and faith in our elections is the lowest it has ever been — coincidence? I think not.

The left and right have their talking points and if you don’t walk the party lines - you’re out. We believe that ‘party politics’ has no place when it comes to securing and ensuring faith in our elections.

In order to have faith in our elections, the process in which we elect our leaders, we must open up the conversation.

We judge elections on three main principles: Accountability, Transparency, and Inclusivity. The same principles that the United States uses to judge foreign elections however not our own (?)

With an America-first perspective, we want to facilitate a new, common-sense conversation surrounding elections and it starts with YOU.

Our founders built this nation with the idea in mind that Americans would be engaged citizens. Lately - we have dropped the ball.

Whether it be through voting, participating in the administration process, or simply going beyond the headlines - engaging in elections is our civic duty to ensure that America can continue self-governance.

Why subscribe?

No more wondering if the algorithm will show you our content, when you subscribe our posts will be sent directly to your inbox!

We promise not to spam you and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Subscribers will receive weekly election updates through our “Week In Review”, which will spotlight news from the week in the election sphere to keep you in the know. As well as updates on breaking news/current headlines with an America first, nonpartisan response bringing everything back to our 3 principles.

Something we can no longer rely on mainstream media to accomplish.

We look forward to having you join our community!!

The success of America relies on the success of our elections. And the success of our elections relies on YOU.

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The election conversation is toxic but it shouldn't be... Sharing election news and how to engage. Join the conversation with us!


Protecting your voice by protecting your vote Securing elections through grassroots, litigation & legislation